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Welcome to the Life Point Church web site. We hope that you can use this as a tool to help get to know us a little better. In this web site you will get a chance to meet our staff, see some of our people and events, check out our calendar of events, and listen to our messages. We want to be a blessing to you any way that we can!

Life Point Church is currently meeting in the Ogden 6 Movie Theatres. You can click this link and get driving directions. Our Sunday Worship Gatherings start at 9:50 am and gets over at 11:00 am.

If you are looking to connect with other people that are passionate about God, then you need to check out our church. We are a bunch of people who place a high value on relationships and learning together to grow in our relationship with Christ.

You can also connect to us by participating in an on-line and interactive Bible study. Seriously, you need to check this out even if you can't come to our church. It is such a cool thing that our church does that is helping people connect to the Bible even in the midst of our busy lives. Check this out here.

Church History

Life Point Church began by meeting on a Saturday afternoon in April 2003 with a group of people at the Fat Bean coffee house in Naperville, IL. We got together to dream about what church could be like and walked away with an exciting vision to begin a church.

Life Point Church began as an idea to reach out to people who have never really entered a relationship with God. We want to show the world around us that God is relevant and that He came to meet every person where they are at in life.

We also began with a focus of reaching those people who have a church background, but are no longer connecting with the church in general.  We believe strongly that every person who is a follower of Christ needs to be connected to other people committed to Christ and part of a local church.

That was the dream phase. The real story begins in July of 2003. That is when we began two Bible studies meeting in two locations. One location was in a Starbucks in Naperville and the other Bible Study was in a Starbucks in Bolingbrook. We meet weekly, developing people to become passionate followers of Christ and building a core group of people to start our church. Our Bible studies are still a major part of the life of those who participate in Life Point Church.

We have also made it possible for you to participate in a Bible study even if you are not able to make it in person. We have an interactive blog site set up so that you can study the Bible with a community of people. We have a few people who post some insights each week to the chapter that we are studying. You can make comments on what you are learning and even ask questions. Check out our Bible study site at this link.

From our Bible studies we launched into meeting for church gatherings once a month. We began meeting in a Holiday Inn using one of their banquet rooms. It was a great location right off of I-88, a main tollway connecting us with Chicago. Our very first service began on Sunday, October 26, 2003. It was an exciting day in the life of our church. It was awesome to see our separate Bible studies coming together as part of one body, and this was just the beginning!

In January of 2004, we began meeting every week for our church gatherings. The goal of ours was to continue to build our core group of people together and have a place where we could come and celebrate God together on a weekly basis. It was also a time to grow in our giftings and prepare ourselves for being a church that is ready to connect with those who come through our doors.

On Sunday, April 18, the Sunday after Easter, we moved to a new location. This location was just around the corner from the Holiday Inn and is where we are still at to this day. We meet in the Ogden 6 Movie Theatres. We are still located right off of I-88 and are on one of the busiest routes through Naperville. The biggest benefit to this move is that we have the building to ourselves and when people walk into the theatre, we are right there to greet them.

On November 21,2004, we began our next phase by going public. We began this phase by sending out 5000 pieces of mail into our community to let people know that we exist. We are continuosly looking for ways to connect with people in our community and sharing the love of Christ with them. Up until this point we had primarily focused on building the internal structure of our church so that we will be effective in connecting with the external world around us.

We are excited about what God is doing in the midst of our church. Life Point Church is a place where people are "real" in their relationships with God and each other. No one here is perfect, but we all are striving to know God more and more each day. No matter what your background or where you are at in life, you will find a place to connect with God in our church. Try us out sometime soon. We will be looking for you!

Our Dream Church

  1. Every person who has hope in Christ is sharing that hope with those who have not experienced it yet.
  2. When people meet together they are constantly experiencing the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
  3. Everyone who is a follower of Christ becomes aware of their destiny and call and finds the context to live it out.
  4. People are allowed to come as they are and be loved as they are. Where the hurting and struggling (which is all of us sometimes) can be authentic and not feel like they have to hide their feelings or doubts.
  5. God leaves with the people and does not just meet with the people.
  6. The sum of all that we do is found in loving God and loving people.
  7. We focus on helping people grow as followers of Christ, not just teaching doctrine or a list of rules. Encouraging people to live out thier lives in community, implementing what they learn in their daily lives.
  8. People can worship God and connect in such a way with Him that it expands their capacity to love others.
  9. People have the goal of ministering to one another, not just being ministered to.
  10. Together we make a difference in our community and world through serving together and using our resources in the most effective ways.
  11. Where leaders are constantly being trained and released into their calling.
  12. The growth of this church is by multiplication, including the starting of other churches.

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