Kevin Diederich

Lead Pastor

Role: Kevin's role is to oversee the direction of the whole church and bring leadership to each of the areas of ministry. He is the primary communicator for our Sunday services.

Email: [email protected] 

Birthplace: Aurora, Illinois  

Family: Married to Carrie 

Education: B.A. Sociology 

                  Ordained Minister with the Assemblies of God


Just to help you get to know me, I thought I would share some things about me.  

I love my wife and spending time with her. We like to try a lot of new things together. I love to play sports. My favorite sport is baseball, but I will play just about anything. My only problem is that I often injure myself. I am also in the weird category of being a musician. My primary instrument is the bass (yeah! all you bass players out there!), but I also play guitar (I have to be like everyone else, ya know?). I love food - but who doesn't? My favorite type of food is Italian, but I love trying new food all the time (actually I let Carrie try it and if she thinks its good I go for it). I have lived in three different states (IL, TX, MN). One of the things that I want to do before I die is skydive (some people say that will be the last thing I do). I actually love to read, but I didn't start really reading until I was 21. I love to write. I have written a book but am waiting for the right time to get it published.  I have 18 years of ministry experience in various areas from youth ministry to associate work to planting a church. We have been here at Crossroads since the end of June 2010. 

My wife, Carrie, is a Spanish teacher at Bremen High School. She has a masters degree in education and a second masters degree in Education Administration. She also coaches girls tennis in the fall.


Miguel (Mike) Lopez

Youth/Worship Pastor

Role: Mike oversees the worship ministry as well as the youth ministry.


Email: [email protected]


Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois  

Family: Married to Evelyn

Education: Licensed Minister with the Assemblies of God


Evelyn and I were both born and raised in Chicago. I grew up on the Northside and Evelyn grew up on the Southside.  We have been married for 16 years and have two wonderful sons (Fred 23 and Mikey 11).  Evelyn and I have been in the ministry for over 14 years, serving as youth pastors for over 10 years.  We have lead worship for many of those years and I have also served as an associate pastor.  I have a certificate with Global University for the Assemblies of God and continuing my education for further licensing.  I play the guitar and am a worship songwriter. We are very excited with what God is doing at Crossroads Church.


For questions contact: [email protected]
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