Thank you for visiting our site. We want to share a few things with you about our church.

Our church desires to be authentic in our search for God. We do not believe that we have figured God out, but we are passionate about discovering more of God each week! We are a church that is dreaming about the opportunities that God is giving us to make a difference in our community and the many people that we encounter. We invite you to come as you are and join us Sunday mornings for our worship experience.

We offer two services, one at 9:30 - 10:40 and the other at 11:15 - 12:25. The 11:15 service has a great children’s ministry for your kids bit you are more than welcome to bring your kids and have the with you in the 9:30 service.  

Thank you for checking us out and please let us know how we can serve you and your family.

Kevin Diederich

Lead Pastor


For questions contact: [email protected]
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